When you purchase the SlideDog Pro annual subscription for the first time, you can use it for a year from the date of purchase, or for as long as you keep your subscription active.
If you choose to cancel your subscription, SlideDog will automatically revert from “Pro” to “Free” on the expiry date of your license.
SlideDog Forever
If you’ve previously purchased our discontinued SlideDog Forever license, the following applies to you:
Customers who purchased a SlideDog Pro Forever license earlier than 2017.01.01 were guaranteed updates until version 2.0.0. Customers who purchased the Forever license on 2017.01.01 or later are guaranteed updates until version 3.0.0.
If you purchased Slidedog Pro Forever earlier than 2017.01.01 and you want to continue using SlideDog Pro, you have two options:
Either purchase a new annual subscription (and get continuous updates) or follow this procedure to keep using SlideDog 1.9.18 (the latest release before 2.0.0) for as long as you want:
- Uninstall SlideDog from your computer if you are running a different version than 1.9.18.
- Download the 1.9.18 offline installer and install SlideDog 1.9.18 (don’t run SlideDog yet!)
- Disconnect your Wi-Fi or Internet connection, or put your computer in Flight Mode.
- While disconnected from the Internet, run SlideDog and go to “Settings” – “Preferences” – “General Settings” from the top menu. Turn off “Enable automatic updates”.
- Close SlideDog and re-connect your Wi-Fi or Internet connection / turn off Flight Mode.
- Restart SlideDog and enter your license code in the “License” – “Upgrade to Pro” top menu item.
SlideDog Pro will now keep functioning as before, but without downloading version 2.0.0 and above.