Payments and subscriptions

Issues related to payments and invoices.

Yes! SlideDog Pro comes with a satisfaction guarantee. Submit a return request within 24 hours of your purchase and get your money back. PS: We'd love to know why SlideDog didn’t work for you!

To cancel your subscription of SlideDog you must click the link contained in the email you received when you first made your order. This link is also found in each of the renewal notification emails.

Search your inbox for "SlideDog Pro License" and you should find at least one mail. The link you need to click to confirm that you want to cancel your subscription looks like this:

If you're still having trouble unsubscribing, please contact us.

Yes we do. When you buy two or more copies of SlideDog, you are eligible to receive volume pricing.

Volume discounts for SlideDog Pro Annual subscription:

# Licenses Discount License Price
1 N/A $99
2-9 10% $89
10-19 20% $79
20-49 30% $69
50+ 40% $59

You buy 15 SlideDog Pro annual licenses.
15 * $79 = $1185 (+tax/vat)
Normal price would be $1485 (+tax/vat) so you save $300.

Additionally, you get a 20% discount for renewing your annual subscription. This is on top of your existing volume discounts

If you are interested in a site license for your school, university or organization, please contact us.

If you purchased SlideDog via our own store, you will have received an invoice to the email you entered when purchasing. Search your inbox for "Your Order: SlideDog" (with quotes) and you should find one or more emails with your order ID(s), starting with the letters "PRE" followed by three sets of numbers separated by dashes (example: PRE111111-2222-33333). The emails will contain a link to your invoice for your initial SlideDog purchase or re-bill.

Once you have your Order ID you can access the invoice by visiting:[order id] For example:

If you still can't find your invoice please contact us.

We are a Norwegian based company, but we are selling SlideDog through FastSpring (BRIGHT MARKET LLC), our payment processor. FastSpring (which is a US company) will be the vendor in the transaction and their company information will be on your invoice.

FastSpring's current W-9 can be downloaded here: