Installing and running SlideDog
Information on installing and running SlideDog on a Windows PC
Click the Download button on the top right of and run the installer once it's downloaded. For detailed instructions, click "Read More".
Read MoreTo display PowerPoint files, you'll need Microsoft Office PowerPoint installed. To display PDF documents, you'll need Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
Read MoreSystem requirements and settings
SlideDog requirements and optimal system configurations
SlideDog supports all screen resolutions and display scaling factors that are available on Windows, but you might still want to modify your settings for a live presentation setting. Click "Read More" for details.
Read MoreTo play PowerPoint files in SlideDog you need Microsoft Office PowerPoint installed. For PDF documents you need Adobe Reader or Acrobat. We also recommend running SlideDog on a modern laptop with at least 8 GB of RAM. Essentially, it comes down to what files you want to show and how many files you intend to load into your SlideDog playlists. The more files, the more memory you'll need, as SlideDog pre-loads all media before starting your show. Click Read More for a detailed description.
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